A 12-year-old boy whose mother was convicted ofraping him was also allegedly raped at a boarding school and whileunder the care of the foster family he was subsequently placed with,police suspect.
In2008, the boy's mother, of Netivot, was arrested for raping her son andhis younger brother in what she said was "vengeance against myhusband." Now, police suspect that the boy's nightmare of sexualassault continued after the state placed him in a boarding school andunder the care of a foster family.
The boy stayed at a boarding school in Bnei Brak after hisfather, who had since remarried, refused to take him due to objectionsby his new spouse. He spent weekends and holidays with a foster familyfrom central Israel located by his father.
The boy's foster mother filed a police complaint against her51-year-old husband in December at a Rosh Ha'ayin police station,alleging that her husband regularly sodomized the boy. The couple arein the midst of divorce proceedings.
The woman also told police that the boy was sexually assaulted by his councilor at the boarding school.
The councilor, 30, has confessed to police and is expected to beindicted by state prosecutors this week. The boy's foster father wasarrested on Sunday night after having disappeared and apparently evadedpolice. He has denied all charges.
The woman who lodged the complaint is suspected of not reporting the alleged abuse for several months despite being aware of it.
Police say the boy is facing extreme emotional hardships. He has been sent to a new foster family in a different city.