4-year-old missing in Haifa found safe

Boy lost his way home after playing outside, slept on the street.

Tal An, the four-year-old boy from Haifa who was reported missing by his mother on Saturday, was found on Rehov Hadar Sunday morning. According to An's mother, the boy left his home on Rehov Hanevi'im Saturday evening to play with a group of friends. Later, when An tried to return home, he lost his way and spent the night sleeping on the street between two parked cars. The temperature in Haifa Saturday night was 13 degrees (56 degrees Farenheit.) Haifa Police Dep-Cmdr. Beni Avadi told Israel Radio that dozens of volunteers from the Civil Guard joined police forces in combing the area for the lost boy. Avadi reported that An was "very tired," but apparently unharmed. He said that the welfare authorities had been notified, and that the mother, whom he described as "extremely upset," was being questioned to determine whether the boy's disappearance was the result of neglect on her part.
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