By GIL STERN STERN HOFFMANporaz 88(photo credit: )
The MKs who left the Shinui Party will run in the March 28 election under the banner the "Secular-Zionist Party," former Shinui MK Avraham Poraz announced on Sunday.
The MKs will be allowed to run in the election, because they merged their new party with an existing party formed by former Yisrael Ba'aliya MK Alex Tsinker. The Knesset House Committee voted on Sunday to allow the merger with Tsinker's Democratic Unity Party.
Former Shinui MKs Poraz, Ilan Shalgi, Eti Livni, Meli Polishook-Bloch, Ronnie Brizon, Victor Brailovsky and Erella Golan had negotiated in the past with former IDF deputy chief of general staff Uzi Dayan's Tafnit Party, Roman Bronfman's Democratic Choice Party and the Green Party, but in the end decided to take their party funding to Tsinker, because he did not make any demands in return for running with his party.
Former Shinui chairman Yosef Lapid is not expected to run with the new party. He has until Thursday's deadline for parties to submit their lists to decide whether to run. Lapid's spokesman said that he had nothing new to say. Poraz's spokesman said he probably will head the list.
Tafnit decided on Sunday against running with the two MKs remaining in Shinui, MKs Ehud Rassabi and Ilan Leibovich, because they insisted on Tafnit adopting a secularist platform. Tafnit will instead run on its own without any MKs.
"The remnants of Shinui refused to give up their path of senseless hatred that brought their party to the depths, so there is no reason to continue negotiating with them," Dayan's spokeswoman said.