Some details from latest probe reported abroad, prohibited in Israel.
A new security-related affair is causing a firestorm within the Israeli Arab community and has reignited a furious debate on secrecy and national security.The latest episode comes only weeks after authorities lifted a media ban on a Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) investigation into former IDF clerk Anat Kamm, who is accused of stealing thousands of classified army documents during her service at the army’s Central Command headquarters in the capital’s Neveh Ya’acov neighborhood, and leaking a number of them to Haaretz.Some of the details from the latest investigation have been reported onblogs and Internet sites based abroad, but cannot be reported in Israel.Kholod Massalha, of the Ilam Media Center for Arab Palestinians inIsrael organization, told The Jerusalem Post, “Ourmain aim is to raise a protest in favor of freedom of expression andagainst the ease with which media bans are obtained.”She added, “Media bans are passed every time an issue involvingnational security arises, and this really harms our freedom of speech.This is affair is being reported abroad but we in Israel cannot discussit.”The Ilam Media Center was set up in 2000, Massalha said, as part of aneffort to bring about more favorable Israeli press coverage of the Arabcommunity.