Dir.-Gen. of Hadassah-University Hospital, Ein Kerem, Prof. Shlomo Mor-Yosef in a Thursday evening press conference insisted that the treatment which Prime Minister Ariel Sharon received during his last hospitalization and after his release, was appropriate.
He claimed that the decision to return to his intensive work after his last stroke was one which was reached by the prime minister after he received the approval of his doctors.
After Sharon's last hospitalization he was treated with blood thinners to eliminate the clot that caused his stroke. These anti-coagulants were implicated for causing Wednesday's hemorrhaging.
When Sharon felt ill Wednesday evening he was faced with the choice of going to Soroka Hospital in Beersheba, which was much nearer to his Negev farm where he was located, or to Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem where he was hospitalized two weeks earlier. Mor-Yosef backed the choice of hospitalization in Hadassah, since he was treated there previously, and the staff knew him well.