Haifa doctors attacked by man who was displeased with treatment of wife
A 60-year-old man, displeased with the treatment his wife was receiving at the hands of the medical personnel of Rambam Hospital in Haifa, assaulted doctors in the emergency room Thursday.
Two youths who were on the premises then attacked police who tried to subdue the man. The suspect reportedly arrived with his wife in the emergency room and, despite a backlog of patients awaiting treatment, demanded that his wife be attended to immediately. When hospital personnel refused to comply, he began behaving violently, hurling objects - including medical files, test tubes and a cellular phone - every which way. A policeman who entered the emergency room in an attempt to subdue the attacker was promptly assaulted by two youths.
Hospital security and a number of additional police then arrived on the scene and assisted the policeman. The man who instigated the disturbance was arrested, as was an 18-year-old resident of Kiryat Motzkin, who was suspected of attacking police and security personnel.
A third suspect fled the scene.
One of the suspects bit a police officer during arrest procedures, police said.