Finds former Northern Region commander had acted improperly.
By JPOST.COM STAFFkaradi hands out 298.88(photo credit: Ariel Jerozolimski)
Police Insp.-Gen. Moshe Karadi appointed Cmdr. David Karauza to investigate complaints and suspicions tied to former commander Ya'acov Borovsky, Army Radio reported Monday.
Borovsky might be called in the near future to testify before the Zeiler Commission.
Several complaints had reached State Prosecutor Eran Shendar of allegedly improper behavior on the part of Borovsky, who commanded the Northern Region until two years ago. Shendar ordered that the investigation into the complaints be moved to the inspector-general's office, and Karadi appointed Karauza to investigate.
Karauza determined that Borovsky had not committed any crimes per se, but that he had acted improperly. Karauza submitted his findings to the state prosecutor, who will decide what steps to take against Borovsky - if any.
The Ministry of Justice confirmed the details Monday and said, "The state prosecutor transferred the conclusions to those responsible for preparing a legal opinion and their decision will be made soon."
After leaving the police, Borovsky was appointed advisor to the war on corruption in the state comptroller's office. That appointment aroused the ire of some government officials in the civil service commission and the local councils. Some heads of local councils said Monday morning that Borovsky was appointed in contradiction of accepted practice, which mandated a tender.
Meanwhile, officers in the Northern Region said Monday that he is suspected of taking advantage of his position. For example, they cite Borovsky's decision to give his daughter, who is a lawyer, an internship in the Northern Region while he was its commander. During the investigation into the incident, it was determined that Borovsky gave his daughter the internship against the orders and without the inspector general's permission.
Borovsky himself said he did not want to respond to any allegations regarding his police service. The state comptroller's office responded that Borovsky serves as a trusted adviser to the comptroller, and that the manager of the branch is responsible for the position that requires a tender.