By JPOST.COM STAFFThe Knesset on Tuesday evening ratified the Cellular Antenna Bill, which will impede cellular providers from setting up radioactive antennae in populated areas of cities.
Cellular companies will now be required to obtain a permit from the local authorities before erecting an antenna, and will also have to compensate residents whose homes have dipped in value because of their proximity to a cellular antenna.
The new law marks and end to a long battle on the part of various organizations and local authorities. It requires that the local population receive notification of the impending construction of an antenna, thus allowing an opportunity for them to object, Army Radio reported.
The final draft of the Antenna Law establishes minimum distances between antennae and schools, kindergartens, retirement homes, hospitals, and shelters, and will apply to existing antennae. Any antenna not complying with the minimum distance requirement will be cut off and dismantled.