Foreign minister tells Romanian counterpart: There is no future for Palestinian people with Hamas.
By JPOST.COM STAFFLivni 224.88(photo credit: GPO)
The European Parliament on Thursday adopted a resolution calling on Israel to lift the blockade imposed on Gaza, saying the move had failed and calling for the reopening of Gaza crossings.
"The policy of isolation of the Gaza Strip has failed at both the political and humanitarian level," said the MEPs.
The parliament also called on Israel to halt IDF operations which endangering civilians, as well as targeted killings. In addition, it condemned Hamas, saying it must stop the firing of Kassam rockets.
The resolution in of a symbolic nature only, since the European Parliament has no influence over EU foreign policy.
In response to the resolution, Foreign minister Tzipi Livni said that "The Europeans should understand that Gaza represents a 'zero sum game,' Hamas or the moderates."
"Any indirect support of Hamas, even if it is done through discussions on the crossings or the humanitarian situation, weakens those interested in reaching an agreement," read statement from Livni's office.
Earlier Thursday, During a meeting with her Romanian counterpart Adrian Cioroianu, Livni said that discussing an end to the blockade only weakens Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
Any support given to Hamas only hurts the chance of a final peace agreement, she said.
"Europe must internalize that Hamas is not a group that is interested in founding a state," she said. "[Hamas] does not want rights for the Palestinians, but rather wants to take rights away from others."
"Every peripheral support Hamas receives, even if it's in the form of discussing the border crossings or the humanitarian situation, weakens those who are interested in a final settlement," Livni said.
"There is no future for the Palestinian people with Hamas, and Israel will continue to fight the terror which the group creates," Livni concluded.