Mazuz: Implications of Katsav's move probably clear to him

A-G indicates he may indict former president for most serious offenses he was accused of; 'Beit Hanassi Aleph' asks to be included in trial.

mazuz 298.88 (photo credit: Ariel Jerozolimski )
mazuz 298.88
(photo credit: Ariel Jerozolimski )
Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz indicated on Tuesday that he would consider indicting former president Moshe Katsav for the most serious offenses he was accused of, after the latter announced that he was calling off the plea bargain with the state prosecution. In statement issued in the afternoon, Mazuz said the decision reached by Katsav's attorneys was hard to fathom but added that "the implications of this move are probably clear to Moshe Katsav." "Before the signing of the plea bargain, our clear tendency was to indict Katsav for the most serious offenses he was suspected of, despite the difficulties this would entail. Now that the plea bargain has been called off, the necessary decision will soon be made." Earlier at the court, prosecutor Irit Baumhorn said she was sorry for "the defense's fickle behavior and conduct. We have returned to the point we were at before the signing of the plea bargain. We will decide on an indictment in the next few days." Meanwhile, attorney Eldad Yaniv, who represents the first plaintiff against Katsav, wrote to Mazuz Tuesday evening, asking him to consider including his client in the final indictment against Katsav. In its plea bargain with the former president, the state decided to drop the charges involving 'Beit Hanassi Aleph' altogether because of alleged contradictions in her testimony. Following Katsav's rejection of the plea bargain, Yaniv asked Mazuz to summon him to a discussion where "the attorney general's position will be reassessed concerning the formulation of a new indictment and my client will be granted the basic defend her rights." Aleph was also willing to undergo further investigation and confront Katsav, Yaniv wrote.