Very high-ranking police commander allegedly harassed two servicewomen.
The Police Investigations Department (PID) in the Justice Ministry was investigating a complaint on Sunday received against a very high-ranking Central District officer. The complaint concerns allegations of sexual harassment of two young women completing their national service.
The two complained to their direct superior regarding the officer's behavior, and she reported the matter to the district social welfare officer.
That officer then alerted Central District Commander Lt.-Cmdr. Aharon Franco to the complaints, and he referred the matter to the PID, which were investigating the matter.
The two young women have refused to cooperate with the PID investigation.
Police representatives said that only after the PID completes the initial investigation, a decision will be made as to how to proceed with the case.
Sources emphasized that the officer is held in very high esteem in the police because of the sensitive nature of his job and of his track record of success in difficult investigations.