Palestinian police return stolen car to owner

The vehicle that was stolen Saturday night from an Israeli woman and taken to the West Bank city of Kalkilya was returned by Palestinian police its rightful owner later that day. "I was stopped at a traffic light, when a number of people with masks on their faces opened the car's door, threw me out of the vehicle, took the car and began to drive like crazy down the street," Rina Mansour described the theft, which occurred at Elishema Junction, near Kfar Saba. Her son, Alon Mansouri, entered Kalkilya illegally Saturday and refused to leave the Palestinian-controlled city until the stolen vehicle was returned to him. Ultimately, Mansouri's attempt yielded success. "A few of us came to the place and said that we would wait. When the car wasn't returned, I went in and identified the vehicle with the help of people 'on the inside," he recounted. This was the latest in a long line of similar recent thefts in the area.