- State Comptroller Eliezer Goldberg publishes 80-page report on "political and improper appointments in the Ministry of the Environment during the years 2001-2003," while Tzahi Hanegbi served as minister.
August 30
- Movement for Quality Government (MQG) calls on Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to fire Hanegbi. Four days earlier, it called on Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz to open a criminal investigation.
September 1
- Mazuz orders police to investigate allegations mentioned in State Comptroller's Report. Hanegbi announces he is temporarily stepping down from his position as Minister of Internal Security.
September 6
- MQG petitions High Court of Justice, demanding that Hanegbi, either not serve as minister of internal security for five years, or that the team investigating him not come from police ranks.
September 22
- State clarifies that Hanegbi has resigned his portfolio and that the resignation is not temporary or conditional.
November 2
- High Court rejects MQG petition but justices declare Hanegbi should leave cabinet altogether while under investigation.
April 14, 2005 - Police caution Hanegbi as they question him for the first time.
December 7
- Police recommend indicting Hanegbi.
February 2, 2006
-Mazuz announces he will indict Hanegbi, pending hearing.