'Africa Star' crew safe after second gunfight with pirates in 72 hours.
By JPOST.COM STAFFZim carrier 311(photo credit: Ariel Jerozolimski)
Zim's Africa Star vessel's security guards managed to fend off two pirate ships attempting to board it and carry off its cargo Saturday, Army Radio reported. The gunfight took place off the Somalian coast.None of the ship's crew were harmed in the fight.It marks the second such incident in 72 hours. Just two days ago, Somalian pirates tried to hijack the same ship just 300 meters off the coast of Mombasa, Kenya. The attackers opened fire upon the ship, but the Israeli security guards responded with gunfire, driving the assailants off.Zim reported no one was hurt in the skirmish.Early last week, an Israel Chemicals ship carrying phosphates and potashwas hijacked in the Indian Ocean. There were no Israelis on the ship.TheAfrica Star has been attacked by pirates before. In September 2009Somali pirates assailed the ship 700 km east of Somalia. That theship was flying a Maltese flag and none of the ship's crew were Israeli.