The Jerusalem Rabbinical Court, in a precedent-setting decision, has determined that that the children of a Sderot resident, who is currently in the midst of a child-visitation dispute with his ex-wife, are forbidden from visiting their father due to the difficult security situation in Sderot.
Sderot, a town about a mile from Israel's border with the Gaza Strip, has been subjected to barrages of rockets and mortar shells from Palestinian terrorist organizations in Gaza for nearly seven years. A 32-year-old woman, Shirel Feldman, was killed by a rocket that hit near a commercial center in Sderot in May of this year, the same month that a school building was also struck by rockets, wounding two people.
The security threat has caused frequent disruptions of daily life in the town and prompted residents to complain that the government is not taking sufficient steps to protect them.
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