Diaspora rabbis to pray for rain

Diaspora rabbis to pray

Orthodox rabbis from all over the world will be visiting Jerusalem next week for a three-day conference that will include a mass prayer rally for rain at the Sharona Reservoir in the Galilee. Rabbi Yehiel Wasserman, who heads the Center for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora at the World Zionist Organization, the body hosting the rabbis, said the prayer would include explanations on environmental issues. "We will be taking a trip up north and will use the opportunity to pray for a rainy winter," said Wasserman. The conference will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the death of Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Hakohen Kook, pre-state mandate's first chief Ashkenazi rabbi. Special sessions will be dedicated to Kook's teachings. About 150 rabbis from 33 countries, including India, Macedonia, Panama, Croatia and Costa Rica, will attend the conference. Topics to be discussed during the conference will include security arrangements at Diaspora synagogues, and medicine and Halacha.