New benefits available to poor Hungarian Holocaust survivors
New program will repay survivors for medical care and home appliance expenses.
By HAVIV RETTIG GURelderly senior 88.298(photo credit: Ariel Jerozolimski)
Holocaust survivors who spent time in wartime Hungary may be eligible for a new program that will repay them for medical care and home appliance expenses, an organization that tracks survivor benefits announced on Tuesday.The Aviv Lenitzoley Shoah (Springtime for Holocaust Survivors) organization, a nonprofit organization that works to inform poor survivors about available financial and social assistance, has put out an urgent advisory calling on all survivors from “Greater Hungary” to turn to the Holocaust Survivors Welfare Fund as soon as possible to obtain the expense returns.The new program, available through the Fund, will return expenses incurred since January 1, 2008, for medical care and home appliance purchases or repairs. The exact amounts of the reimbursements are not yet known.Forms must be submitted before July 31, and returns require an original purchase or repair receipt.The program is available to anyone who lived between September 1939 andMay 1945 in the area under Hungarian rule at its largest extent,including sections of Romania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, and whospent that time either in the Budapest Ghetto, in labor, concentrationor death camps, or in hiding.Only those whose monthly income is under NIS 6,650 are eligible.The Holocaust Survivors Welfare Fund can be reached at its Tel Avivoffice at (03) 609-0866. More information is available at its Web site,