Over a 100 leaders to Attend in COP annual gathering
PM Netanyahu and oppisition leader MK Livni to speak during four-day long confrence in Jerusalem.
By GIL STERN STERN SHEFLERSome 100 Jewish leaderswhose organizations are members of the Conference of Presidents umbrella groupwill arrive in Israel February 13th for its Annual Leadership Mission.During its four-day stay in Israel the delegation headed by Chairman AlanSolow and Executive Vice President Malcolm Hoenlein will meet with a string ofprominent Israeli leaders including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,President Shimon Peres, opposition leader Tzipi Livni and Jewish Agency forIsrael Chairman Nathan Sharanasky. “Additionally, during the mission, theConference of Presidents will conduct panels on a verity of topics,” aspokesperson said. “Notably the delegation will be joined by a number offoreign Ambassadors based in Israel to discuss Israel‘s relationship with theinternational community.”