Hirsi Ali lives under protection due to death threats from Muslims offended by her work.
A prominent Dutch critic of Islam will publish a children's book intended to involve young people in the debate over multiculturalism.
A spokeswoman for Ayaan Hirsi Ali says Adan & Eva will be released in Dutch May 29 and later translated into other European languages.
Hirsi Ali was born in Somalia and became a Dutch lawmaker before moving to Washington, D.C. She lives under protection due to death threats from Muslims offended by her work, particularly her screenplay for filmmaker Theo van Gogh's Submission, which focused on the abuse of Muslim women by Muslim men. Van Gogh was murdered in 2004 by a Muslim radical for perceived insults to Islam.
Spokeswoman Ingrid Pouw said Monday the book is about a fictional 12-year-old Muslim boy who encounters difficulties after befriending a Jewish girl.