Egypt's Mubarak returns home 3 weeks after surgery
Egyptian president will gradually resume his regular work schedule.
By ASSOCIATED PRESSEgyptian President Hosni Mubarak. AP 311(photo credit: ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has returned home three weeks after having his gall bladder removed in Germany — an operation that prompted him to temporarily hand over power to his prime minister.State television broadcast live footage of Mubarak's arrival Saturdayat the airport of the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheik. The 81-year-oldwalked slowly with a slight limp as he greeted Cabinet ministers.Doctors that treated Mubarak in Heidelberg, Germany, recommended thathe continue his recuperation for two more weeks before graduallyresuming his regular work schedule.Mubarak's absence prompted speculation about the leadership of the Arabworld's most populous nation, a US ally that plays a critical role inissues ranging from Mideast peace efforts to curbing Islamic militancy.