President Peres to award Israeli Nadav Ben-Yehuda who saved life of Turkish climber.
By SHARON UDASINNADAV BEN-YEHUDA and Aydin Irmak 370(photo credit: Nitzan Arny/Israeli Embassy in Nepal)
Nadav Ben-Yehuda, the Mount Everest climber who saved the life of a Turkish friend on the verge of death last week, will receive the Medal of Honor at President Shimon Peres’s residence next month.Ben-Yehuda was only about 250 meters away from Everest’s summit when he saw his friend, Aydin Irmak, appearing near death on the frozen ground, and instead of continuing on, carried Irmak over his shoulder for about eight hours.Having written on his Facebook profile that his health condition was worsening on Thursday and he needed to hasten his return to Israel, Ben- Yehuda landed in the country on Saturday.He wrote that he was immediately transferred to inpatient care at Assaf Harofeh Medical Center in Tzrifin on Saturday, noting that in recent days he was “wrapped in sympathy and love from all edges of Israel and especially from the nearby surroundings.”Ben-Yehuda also noted on Facebook that he was admittedly “embarrassed and didn’t really know how to grasp all this good,” but promised to respond to everyone in the near future.