In an address to outstanding members of police force, president says violence at all levels of society must be stemmed.
By GREER FAY CASHMANPresident Shimon Peres_311(photo credit: Marc Israel Sellem)
President Shimon Peres expressed concern on Monday evening over mounting violence at all levels of Israeli society.Speaking at Hebrew University, the president singled out 26 outstanding members of the Israel Police for recognition.Referring to recent incidents of violence on the sports field, Peres said that violence was not confined to sport alone, but could be seen at all levels of society. He listed as examples domestic violence, road rage, violence in schools and most recently violence on the soccer field after the game was over. Violence must be stemmed at its root, and this is the task of the police, said Peres, adding that it was the duty of the civilian population to do all that could to aid the police in eliminating violence, because in the final analysis it is the police who protect the public.Peres characterized the police as the crucial factor in the struggle against violence and voiced his appreciation for all that the police have done to maintain law and order.Turning to the men and women in blue who had been cited for exceptional conduct in the line of duty, Peres said to them: “You are the best of the best, and proof of the quality and standards that can be found in the ranks of our police force.”Peres praised their professionalism, their devotion to their jobs and the manner in which they uphold the law.