Hunger Games serves up a very different meal. In the beginning of the film Katniss Everdeen volunteers to be a tribute to fight in the games in place of her sister. From this moment on, she resigns herself to death, but gradually realizes she may have a chance to compete in the games and even win.Despite reviews that praised the movie’s “feminist” themes, Katniss as a character is disappointing. She expresses no interest in escaping the life to which she has been sentenced. Forced to fight it out in the arena she plots to gain the crowd’s support and sympathy, which is important because “sponsors” can provide gladiators with goodies during the competition. The audience is supposed to want Katniss to survive, but for those weaned on the themes of Star Wars and other freedom-inspiring classics, the story is disturbing. Katniss as a character never seeks to break out of her world, in which she is entertainment for a grotesque society.Since she never rebels, despite ample opportunity, the society that watches the reality show cannot even gain any insight into the fact that the gladiators do not want to die in a spectacle of sport.One could say that this is irrelevant, that the message of a random movie is not of great importance. But movies are the myths of today, what Homer was for the Greeks.Films such as Harry Potter, Star Wars, Avatar, X-Men and The Matrix provide a cultural message of independence, rebellion against oppression and respect for difference.Even The Truman Show showed us that, in the end, the “hero shot” is precisely that shot of man coming to terms with his independence. The final shot in A Bridge on the River Kwai, when Col. Nicholson realizes he has become an unwitting collaborator, sears his tragedy of subservience to fascism into the mind. His final act is one of defiance and realization.
Hunger Games provides the wrong message. This is especially important as the nation remembers the Holocaust. The act of defiance and individualism is what defines humanity. Placed in the impossible situation of subservience to totalitarianism, the individual’s duty is to struggle against it.