A Jerusalem Post reader asks for help releasing an Israeli arrested in Mauritius.
By JERUSALEM POST READERSRay, Helen and Octavia Sir, – Ray Hanania (“Fire them all,” Yalla peace, July 14) thinks that what Helen Thomas really meant was to criticize Israel’s “occupation” and not to express anti-Semitic feelings. Is he kidding? Thomas, who as a White House correspondent supposedly spent years trying to present an objective, unbiased picture of Washington and the news, has now unabashedly and disgustingly shown her true colors as a bigot and racist.She knows full well what happened to Jews in Poland and Germany.Is she saying she wants to see the Jews dead? That’s what it sounds like.This is why she was fired.Hearst newspapers did the right thing.As for Octavia Nasr, she was fired because she glorified a terrorist. Plain and simple. It had nothing to do with Israel, as we all know that CNN does not care a bit about Israel – never did and probably never will.Fadlallah was a founder of Hizbullah, a murderous organization. She said it clearly: “He was one of Hizbullah’s giants I respect a lot.” Which word in that sentence needs explaining? According to Nasr, Fadlallah’s connection to Hizbullah makes him praiseworthy, plain and simple.There is no connection between the two firings.There is no conspiracy to catch Israel and Jew-haters red-handed and drag them through the mud. I am surprised, though, that Hanania doesn’t mention the other side of the coin.
We see time and again what freedom of speech and the press in the Western world do to Arabs and Muslims. How many riots have occurred and fatwas issued over a cartoon in a newspaper? It seems that Ray Hanania has highlighted a double standard: Say something anti-Semitic or anti- Israel, get a stern rebuke.Say something about Islam, watch your back!CHANA PINTO Ra’ananaGot off easy Sir, – I got the impression over the past few months that actively defying a court order and demonstrating overt contempt for a court call for incarceration for a period of time.So how come Anat Hoffman (“Women of the Wall head arrested for Torah reading at holy site,” July 13) was released on NIS 5,000 bail?MARCHAL KAPLAN Jerusalem Another prisoner Sir, – While all our thoughts and actions are focused on seeking the release of Gilad Schalit, may I draw your readers’ attention to the sad fate of another Gilad – my good friend Anthony Nathan, who for the past 3.5 years has been moldering in a prison in Mauritius.Tony, a civil engineer by profession, is 73 years old and was sentenced to 10 years, meaning he will be 80 when let go unless action can be taken to secure his early release.Tony succumbed to temptation when in financial straits and was caught bringing heroin into Mauritius.I must stress that he has never been on drugs.Clearly, he deserved punishment for his moment of folly. On the other hand, given his age and character, I firmly believe that he has suffered enough and been taught a bitter lesson.He has both Israeli and Australian citizenship, and is visited every few months by the Australian consular representative.Israel cannot help because it does not have diplomatic relations with Mauritius.Recently, I appealed to the president of Mauritius, Sir Anerood Jugnaught, for an amnesty for Tony, but this was rejected. In a couple of months, Tony’s daughter, Mirit, is getting married in Jerusalem and her dearest wish is for her father to be able to attend.In view of Tony’s cruel predicament, I would like to ask your readers if they have any concrete suggestions or connections that will significantly help to bring about his release. This would be a real mitzva.I can be reached at davidherman@013.net. DAVID HERMAN Jerusalem