June 11: Change the sermon

As I recall, Israel defeated the Arabs during their attempt to annihilate it in 1967.

Change the sermon
Sir, – Your article “IDF considers transfer of more security to PA forces” (June 10) says President Obama would likely give “a number of guarantees to the PA that would include future Israeli concessions,” and ends with the statement that the PA will soon have “around 10,000” soldiers in the West Bank.
As I recall, Israel defeated the Arabs during their attempt to annihilate it in 1967. Checking into available information on the educational and entertainment program of the Palestinian Authority, I found that the PA continues to preach the annihilation of Israel.
Would it be improper for me to ask why Israel doesn’t table an inflexible demand that all anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish propaganda cease before Israel returns to negotiations? And who approved of an American-trained and - equipped Arab army in Judea and Samaria? It is a certain first step toward bringing American troops into conflict with the IDF.
Hello?! Is anybody in charge?
Where probe should focus
Sir, – To be fair, there should be an investigation of the way Israel handled the Gaza-bound flotilla (“Jerusalem did not want to announce make-up of flotilla investigation before UN Iran vote,” June 10). But it should be about the flotilla – who the organizers were and who subsidized it. The investigation should, of course, include the people who were involved in violent activities and how they and their weapons were allowed to get aboard the one ship on which the violence took place.
This board of inquiry should have international status.
A.I. GOLDBERG Hatzor Haglilit
Sir, – It is unfortunate that Israelis call the flotilla affair a fiasco or a failure. It was neither! It achieved its primary goal, which was to maintain the blockade. Granted, a perfect success would have resulted in no casualties, and we will soon learn whether the results could have been better. But this does not detract from the fact that the main mission was accomplished – and without Israeli loss of life.
The affair has also provided an unexpected benefit: While one Turkish foot remains in NATO, the other is firmly rooted in Islamic soil. This is now unmistakably clear to the powers that count.
It’s the PA and Hamas, stupid
Sir, – Obama’s “new conceptual framework” should be to bring the PA and Hamas urgently to the negotiating table to end hostilities between them so that the long-suffering people of Gaza can start rebuilding their lives (“Obama tells Abbas Gaza situation is ‘unsustainable,’” June 10).
It is not supplies they are short of, but peace from the “unsustainable” situation.
How about some worldwide demonstrations demanding that the two warring sides finally sit down to break the deadlock between them?
Galut mentality
Sir, – A French philosopher criticizes Prime Minister Netanyahu (“Bernard- Henri Levy praises Obama,” May 31) because he, the PM, demands the Arabs recognize Israel as a Jewish state.
Bernard-Henri Levy’s labeling of Judaism as a religion shows his philosophical acceptance of the Jewish exile. He does not accept or consider that Judaism is a nationality.
Judaism was always compared to other national groups – as in ethnic jokes and when others told Jews to "go back where you came from.”
Incidentally, the “twostate solution” Levy endorses was introduced and implemented by Winston Churchill in 1922 when he was colonial secretary.
Churchill cut off about 78% of League of Nations-mandated Palestine and established the state now called Jordan.
The action was taken in an effort to stop Arab rioting at that time.
Hatzor Haglilit