The first thing Mahmoud Abbas must do is convince his own people that they must live side by side with us in peace.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFletters 88(photo credit: )Assure us
Sir, - After reading Uri Savir's "What the Palestinians must do" (November 14), I beg to differ. The first thing Mahmoud Abbas must do is convince his own people that they must live side by side with us in peace, and that starts in kindergarten and continues all the way up the school, especially in the textbooks.
It is no use if only the PA leaders among themselves agree with Ehud Olmert. It seems that the Israelis are always willing to compromise or show goodwill. Now let us see proof of stability on the Palestinian side.
We want peace, and always have, but from the beginning of our state in 1948 we have always had to fight to keep ourselves alive here. Give us some assurances that the Fatah Party, which lost a democratic election, would be our quiet and respected neighbors.
Herzliya Pituah
Fear of AIPAC
Sir, - I think Calev Ben-David is mistaken in interpreting the motivation behind the AIPAC case as being to prevent leaks ("Crying foul," November 9). I think it has to do with reducing the power of AIPAC.
A lot of people dislike AIPAC. AIPAC is very powerful. AIPAC is feared. If you are too critical of Israel, you are liable to lose financial support and get an opponent well-funded by AIPAC.
Who ordered the prosecution is the question. I doubt Bush was involved. I would guess it was a hint of "Let's show these uppity Jews!"
The gun and oil lobbies are more powerful, but untouched.
No sense at all
Sir - Why are the Jerusalem Municipality inspectors looking for smokers at the malls when, by their own admission, there aren't any? ("Smoking them out," November 1.) It is obvious that the malls are now taking responsibility while many small-business owners, unfortunately, are not. It makes no sense, therefore, for the inspectors to spend their time patrolling the malls when they could be walking around the city paying random calls to "educate" shop owners and patrons about the substantial fines they will incur by smoking.
"We don't have the manpower for that," says the inspector's team leader, explaining why they don't inspect the restaurants and pubs where everyone knows the law is being broken, "so we just patrol the malls," where they know there is very little violation. Does this make any sense?
Chairman, Ma'avak Batabak
Tomb search
Sir, - I'm looking for my great-great-grandfather's tomb in Jerusalem. He emigrated from Courland/Russia in the second half of the 19th century to die and be buried in Jerusalem. As a child, my grandfather saw a letter from Moses Montefiore to his father that Montefiore had helped with this. Could any reader help me find details about this grave?