Obama: Framework deal on Iran nuclear program 'best option' for Israel
Mogherini says Fordow site will be converted into nuclear physics site.
By REUTERS, JPOST.COM STAFF, MICHAEL WILNERObama: Framework deal on Iran nuclear program 'best option' for Israel
WASHINGTON - US President Barack Obama on Thursday said a framework agreement reached at talks on Iran's nuclear program is "a good deal" that would, if fully implemented, prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon."Today, the United States, together with our allies and partners, has reached an historic understanding with Iran, which if fully implemented, will prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon," Obama said in statement at the White House."If this framework leads to a final comprehensive deal, it will make our country, our allies and our world safer," he said."It is a good deal," Obama added.Turning to Israel's concerns over the Iranian nuclear issue, Obama said the framework accord provided the "best option" to ensure the Islamic Republic does not achieve nuclear weapons capabilities."[Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu is looking for the most effective way to ensure Iran doesn’t get a nuclear weapon, this is the best option," the US president stated"There is no daylight when it comes to our support for Israel's security," Obama stressed, adding that Washington has an unshakable commitment to Israel's defense.Earlier, Netanyahu had urged anew that world powers seek to "significantly roll back" Iran's nuclear capabilities under any deal achieved in continuing talks.In a message posted on the social media site Twitter after reports that talks for a deal to rein in Iran's program would continue through June, Netanyahu reiterated Israel's demands that Iran "stop its terrorism and aggression."The announcement that world powers and Iran reached agreement on a partial political framework deal, was announced earlier in the evening by Iranian FM Mohammad Javad Zarif and the EU's high representative for foreign affairs, Federica Mogherini announced.
Mogherini said that the solutions reached in Lausanne would create the basis for a future comprehensive nuclear agreement to be concluded by June 30. Zarif said Iran will continue enriching uranium at Natanz site but not at the Fordow. Fordow will be converted into a nuclear physics site, the EU foreign envoy said. Preparing for the announcement, Zarif said the parties had "found solutions" after eight days of marathon nuclear talks. The German Foreign Office said that negotiators had reached "agreement on a framework for a final agreement," while Mogherini, declared "good news" on Twitter.US Secretary of State John Kerry on twitter declared a "big day as world powers, Iran agree on "parameters to resolve major issues on its nuclear program."Iranian President Hassan Rouhani also tweeted that said Solutions on the key parameters of the Iran nuclear case had been reached," and drafting on the agreement would start immediately and be finished by June 30. Western officials said they were unsure just how much of an agreement would be made public. Before the announcement, Reuters reported that two-thirds of Iran's current enrichment capacity will be suspended and monitored for ten years under the agreement.Diplomats from the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany worked straight through a self-imposed deadline on Tuesday night in its talks with the Islamic Republic. Those powers, known formally as the P5+1, aim to cap, restrict, monitor and partially roll back Iran's nuclear work for a finite period.Jpost.com Staff contributed to this report.