The truth hurts, but it doesn't kill

Dear world, you are so silent when extremists are murdering people with no reason. No protests against those butchers, no “human rights” activists speaking out for elementary rights of human beings which are tortured and murdered because of some sick goals of terrorists. However, dear world, you are so loud when Israel is defending its civilians, and again, you are so blind to see the truth…
Hence, here are some facts about “peaceful” Hamas which will not be presented in media.
- Hamas use children as human shields. When I was living in Europe, I saw people blaming Israel; however, they did not know what Hamas is.Hamas is a terrorist organisation which does not care about human lives and peace. Main goal of Hamas is elimination of Israel.
So peaceful, right?
- They promote terror attacks and when they succeed in some, they make celebrations.
So peaceful, right?
Or maybe biased media make it more disgusting for not reporting it?
- They teach children to hate, stone and curse.
- They have “military” camps where they teach children to be terrorists.
So peaceful, right? Is it wonderful future for children? I guess it is, according to blind and deaf “human rights” activists.
- Terrorists put explosive around animals, it is their common strategy. I apologize but I can’t name them “militants” as they are often named in media. There is huge difference between soldier and terrorist.
- Have you ever heard about Pallywood? It is video footage made just to demonize state of Israel and to slam IDF in media. Photoshop, fake stories, fake testimonies, those are their tools. Even pretending to be dead exclusively in order to take a place in worldwide media.
Pallywood which is made by Palestinian Media and their “actors” are supported worldwide and unfortunately it distorts opinion of majority. During Operation “Protective edge” I saw photos from Syria which were shared with title: “Today in Gaza”.
During that war, I have read horrible lies in newspaper. Moreover, I have phoned one redaction and I have asked them to explain me where did they get certain information about Israel’s “war crimes”. I have asked why they are not writing when Jews are murdered in Israel just for being Jews? Why they are not writing when soldiers are stoned by the children who are learnt to hate? Why they don’t write when Hamas kill own people? I have asked if they knew that “peaceful” Hamas murdered 160 children who built terror tunnels? How would they feel to have terror tunnels it in their country? Why they don’t write when those terrorists celebrate death? WHY? They have told me to send them an e-mail with my arguments; later on they will call me back. Guess what has happened? After reading my e-mail they even did not answer on my phone call. They were afraid of what? I guess, their cheap lies were slammed. However, I wonder why some people are so blind to see? Is it because media are so good at manipulation or is it hidden hate against Jews which is using media as an excuse?
Open your mind before your mouth. Read about real facts, relevant and objective information. The truth does not kill but manipulation, lies, terrorists and rockets do, on different ways. Here I wrote some significant facts which will "hurt" some people who had decided to be slaves of lies and propaganda. Moreover, because of them this world become an ignorant place where human lives are not valued the same.
If you really love peace, than stand by peaceful side, not by those who spread hate and blood.