Trump’s Statement Upsurges Anti-Muslim Crimes in West


Although it is formally due to implement the Donald Trump’s (Republican 2016-Presidential Candidate) proposal of banning Muslims in United States, but recent incidents of stopping Muslims visiting United States, have grew outrage in world Muslim community across the world.

            Donald Trump, Republican Front-runner Presidential Candidate for USA-2016  Elections.

Paris Attacks and San Bernardino's mass-shooting, followed by Trump’s rhetoric statement didn’t take more than two weeks escalating anti-Muslim incidents with detaining a Muslim family from flight, attacks on mosques and hatred speeches and violence.

After, the strings of Anti-Muslim remarks and terrorist attacks involving Muslim Jihadist forced America and Europe to take measures to restrict Muslims from entering  their border.

In a recent incident, a British Muslim family bound for a visit to Disneyland was barred from boarding a London flight to Los Angeles at London Airport earlier this month.

Notably, The Trumps's statement came in the wake of mass-shooting undertaken by Muslim Jihadist terrorists in San Bernardino.

Even the wounds of Paris deadly attacks were not cured and another mass-shooting in California's San Bernardino in first week of December, in which 17 people died, ignited American anti-Muslim sentiments. The incident was found to be executed by a Jihadist group involving a Muslim couple, which has once again imbibed hatred against Muslims among Americans, after 9/11.

The questions here once again started arising that, are Americans becoming intolerant against their minority community including African Americans, Muslims and Hindus, Sikhs, Jews among others.

Significantly, All national exit Polls showed positive trends after Trump's  controversial remark on  total ban on Muslims visiting United Sates.  His remark surged his position in all exit polls ever since the trumpet of 2016-Presidential elections blown.


The trends, somehow, to a greater extent signals  towards the changing pattern of Americans mind towards Muslim community making them overprotective and intolerant against minorities.


And, the degree to which his remark is going to change the future of American politics and Presidential election will not be very unambiguous in months ahead.


The world's oldest democracy, claiming equal right to all regardless of  religion, colour, beliefs and faiths,  is seems to be going through its transition period from secular to religious, from tolerant to intolerant, and from pluralist and cosmopolitan to stereotypes.


Not only this, violence against African Americans (Blacks) has also seen a dramatic upsurge in recent few years with more than 355 mass-shooting in mere 336 days in United States.


Martin Luther King Jr., would had devoted his whole life fighting for rights of African American,  would have shocked by seeing such intolerance in Unites States. Significantly, Martin Luther King Jr. was inspired by Indian freedom fighter and crusader of truth and non-violence, Mahatma Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi), to fight for rights of African Americans (Blacks).


And surprisingly, the very first African American (Black) President of United States, Barack Obama did not hesitate criticizing India for inciting religions intolerance, earlier this year.


During his visit to India, in his speech to Indian people he had said that India will keep developing as far as it will remain secular and will not be divided on lines of religion. Later, he also remarked that the rising religious intolerance in India would have shocked its peace icon Mahatma Gandhi. However, India has been occasionally target by Western democratic, liberal and secular counties for being intolerant against its minority communities.


Anyhow, coming back to USA, it is now up to the Americans and its Muslims that how are they going to reflect their vote towards such rhetoric statements,  that whether they have become accustomed enough to digest such direct anti-Muslims statements by a presidential candidate, And how the Paris attacks and Charlie Hebdo massacre, that left hundreds dead, are going to affect American majority communities when they will set to cast their vote.