Farmers call for representation on parties’ lists

Farmers organizations will help any party that puts their representatives in realistic slots on its list for the Knesset, Moshav Movement Secretary-General Meir Tzur, Kibbutz Movement Secretary-General Eitan Broshi and Farmers Federation of Israel President Dubi Amitai wrote in a letter to party leaders on Wednesday following what they called a disconcerting decrease in representation.
The three men wrote that Operation Protective Edge showed that farmers are a central pillar of Israeli security and Zionism, and agriculture in the periphery strengthens the state and reduces its reliance on imports at times of war and boycotts. “Agriculture cannot be separated from Israel’s history and it cannot be separated from Israel’s future,” they wrote.
In the outgoing Knesset, several MKs lived in farm towns: Transportation Minister Israel Katz (Likud) of Moshav Kfar Ahim, MK Zvulun Kalfa (Bayit Yehudi) of Kibbutz Shomriya and MK Yitzhak Vaknin (Shas) of Moshav Ya’ara. Labor saved its 16th seat for a moshav or kibbutz representative, but Gilboa Regional Council head Danny Atar did not get into the Knesset in the last election and declined to take Labor MK Binyamin Ben-Eliezer’s place when he resigned last week.