Thousands evacuated after flood hits southern Brazil

Thousands of people were forced to leave their homes by the recent flood ravaging the Rio Grande do Sul in the southern of Brazil.
The rising Guaiba river flooded a total of 61 cities across the state, stretching from the state capital Porto Alegre.
The town of Alvorada was severely flooded, and most residents have been evacuated.
"My mother will stay at my place for awhile, and then go to my cousin's. She will come back after the water recedes," said Christian, who came from a nearby town to help his mother.
As the flood was unexpected, some residents suffered massive losses as floodwater rushed into their homes and ruined their belongings inside.
"We plan to sell this house, even though it means we will sell it for less than half what we spent on it because no-one wants a house like this," said Adao, an Alvorada resident.
The flood in the Rio Grande do Sul was caused by the continuous rain in early July and has affected over 40,000 people. The local meteorological center said the rainfall will continue for several days.