Bayit Yehudi candidate dresses as Islamic State victim for Purim

Number 14 on party's list warns: "This is what we'll get if we don't have a big Bayit Yehudi."

Bayit Yehudi candidate Anat Roth dresses as Islamic State victim for Purim  (photo credit: FACEBOOK)
Bayit Yehudi candidate Anat Roth dresses as Islamic State victim for Purim
(photo credit: FACEBOOK)
Anat Roth, number 14 on Bayit Yehudi's list, dressed up as a victim of the Islamic State for Purim on Thursday.
Posting the photo on Facebook, she wrote: "This is what we'll get if we don't have a big Bayit Yehudi. Happy Purim!"
The post drew angry comments calling Roth mentally ill and saying she should be ashamed of herself, while her supporters said the post was funny.
Roth was a Peace Now activist and adviser to former prime minister Ehud Barak and ex-Labor chairman Amram Mitzna, who became right-wing while researching the disengagement and is now religious and works at Megalim – The City of David Institute for Jerusalem Studies.