Star Catcher Astrology for the week of JANUARY 10, 2014

TIP FOR THE WEEK: Take your time…think things through before making your final decision.

Stars (photo credit: Thinkstock)
(photo credit: Thinkstock)
ARIES (FIRE) MARCH 21-APRIL 19 Take some time off this week to simply relax and regroup.
For quite some time you have had the feeling that you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, and the truth is you are getting tired. This is the perfect time for taking a few days off and for reaching out to someone you trust, who can help you carry the burden. A family member who lives far away misses you and would love to hear from you.
HINT: Be careful where you leave your money, phone and keys on Sunday and Monday.
PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19-MARCH 20 This is a perfect week for gathering your thoughts, sifting through the information and realizing just how far you have come. Always ready to sacrifice your own needs for those you love, this week you can begin to sit back and enjoy the fruits of all your hard labor.
Count your blessings; let go of what you can’t control and believe in yourself. Unexpected expenses connected to household appliances are unavoidable, so plan accordingly.
HINT: A conversation with an air sign will bring up points you hadn’t considered.
AQUARIUS (AIR) JANUARY 20-FEBRUARY 18 The last few weeks have been difficult emotionally, as disappointments have caused you to rethink your plans.
This week you begin to see things from a different perspective and can not only recognize your mistake, but can see that there are still many new options to choose from. Everything you need will present itself at the perfect time, so relax and stop being so hard on yourself.
HINT: A great deal of time and energy continues to be focused around your job, and the knowledge and experience you are accumulating will serve you well in the future.
CAPRICORN (EARTH) DECEMBER 22-JANUARY 19 It is true that you are busier now than ever before, but somehow you need to find the time to socialize with family and good friends. You cannot miss a place if you are there all the time, and a little break is just what you need in order to put some balance back into your life. Although your financial situation is quite stable, you still have to watch out for any unnecessary spending. That does not include pampering yourself… after all, this time you deserve it! HINT: Be patient with your partner and/or mate. They need a little more time in order to catch up.
LEO (FIRE) JULY 23-AUGUST 22 Pressures at work and exhaustion are taking a toll and this is the right time to take a step back, in order to rethink, regroup and recharge.
So many people are ready to lend a helping hand and all it will take is a word or two from you. Don’t eat your heart out over a project that has been sitting on the shelf for far too long. When the time is right you will tackle it and it will be wonderful.
HINT: You may not be on the same page right now with your partner and/or mate, but as the week progresses things will settle down, so in the meantime just leave things be.
CANCER (WATER) JUNE 22-JULY 22 As much as you would like to make everyone you love happy, there is no way to be successful at this. You can, however, make yourself happy, which will radiate over onto those you especially care about. If asked some very specific questions by a colleague on Tuesday or Wednesday, think carefully before replying. Just because someone asks does not mean that you have to answer.
Sometimes it is better to keep your thoughts to yourself.
HINT: A conversation with a family member could quickly escalate into an argument. Don’t be afraid to clear the air. This person may not say they are sorry, but will show you in other ways that they wish to make amends.
GEMINI (AIR) MAY 21-JUNE 21 Problems involving money could be the result of delays and last-minute cancellations this week, so be prepared to be as flexible and frugal as you can. In the coming weeks the tension will ease up, but for the time being it will be wise to act with caution.
You are so very creative and a meeting with another air sign will help you put all the pieces in place, and perhaps will provide the opportunity for a joint venture between the two of you.
HINT: This week, cut back on rich and spicy foods and wherever possible, stick to a menu that is familiar to you.
TAURUS (EARTH) APRIL 20-MAY 20 Take some time off this week to simply relax and regroup.
For quite some time you have had the feeling that you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, and the truth is you are getting tired.
This is the perfect time for taking a few days off and for reaching out to someone you trust, who can help you carry the burden. A family member who lives far away misses you and would love to hear from you.
HINT: Be careful where you leave your money, phone and keys on Sunday and Monday.
SAGITTARIUS (FIRE) NOVEMBER 22-DECEMBER 21 Thoughts and concerns over money and financial matters begin to lessen as you take more control of the situation.
There are many who wish to become involved in your projects and it will be up to you to decide what your major plan is for the future. In the meantime the less said the better. Sunday and Monday are good days for arranging important meetings this week and your enthusiasm is contagious.
HINT: Being so busy has put a strain on your family so take some time off over the weekend for some quality moments with those you care for the most.
SCORPIO (WATER) OCTOBER 24-NOVEMBER 20 Your mood swings from optimistic to pessimistic and back again, as you deal with all the loose ends that need tying up. Before you take on another project, double-check your schedule and make sure you really can handle more work. When in doubt, trust your instincts and you won’t err.
Meetings and social gatherings with friends and neighbors can’t be avoided, so plan your week carefully.
Thoughts of moving or making some serious renovations in your home may have to be postponed for a bit.
HINT: Be careful while driving near your home and wherever possible, give yourself enough time so that you are not in a rush.
LIBRA (AIR) SEPTEMBER 23-OCTOBER 23 You have so much energy now and this is the perfect time for getting things done. In the past you have not been as focused, and projects have piled up. Over the next few weeks you will come into contact with some very important people, who will be more than interested in listening to what you have to say.
Time spent with a special person will help you get balanced and bring you back to feeling calm and at peace.
HINT: When speaking with a family member who lives far away, pay attention to what they aren’t saying and then ask a few short questions.
VIRGO (EARTH) AUGUST 23-SEPTEMBER 22 The combination of financial pressure plus the extraordinary demands at work caused by sudden delays are making it difficult for you to relax, and you may find it hard to sleep at night. The situation should ease up by the middle portion of this week. Arrange a meeting with an air sign you trust for a serious discussion and some important brainstorming. The time is not yet right for action, but it is perfect for planning.
HINT: You may not always understand your partner and/or mate, but you do know they stand firmly beside you at all times.