WATCH: Jon Stewart takes jab at Netanyahu for 'apparently defeating Obama'

Daily Show host's "Oy Voted" segment pokes fun at recent Israeli election.

Jon Stewart (photo credit: REUTERS)
Jon Stewart
(photo credit: REUTERS)
On Thursday, Jon Stewart offered his insight on the Israeli elections, highlighting the American media reaction, the White House's response (or lack there of), rhetoric the prime minister used during his campaign and rehashing memories of a not-so fortunate former presidential candidate.

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In a segment title "Oy Voted," Stewart's satire directs its aim at multiple themes including the housing crisis, but Stewart saved his most poignant barb for the rhetoric Netanyahu used during the campaign, saying "how dare you gin-up racist fears for short term political gain...that's our (US)  thing- now you have a copyright infringement suit on your hands," he said in reference to Mitt Romney.