Star Catcher: Astrology for the week of January 29, 2016

Tip for the week: Be patient and believe in yourself.

Deep space bright nebula (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Deep space bright nebula
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)
A great deal of time will be spent in the coming weeks double checking your thoughts, searching for things you might have overlooked and finally, making certain that the steps you take in the near future take you smoothly closer to attaining your goals. You have managed to amass a strong circle of friends and colleagues who are willing and ready to lend a hand, give advice and even open a few doors for you. Financially you are close to reaching your goal, so relax.
Keep your schedule as loose as possible as important meetings and a social function or two are expected this week.
Don’t be swayed by pretty words and a smile as someone wants to get in your good graces. Normally giving and generous you may have to stand up for yourself and establish some new working boundaries.
This is a creative period for you and a perfect time for working on an assignment which brings out your best qualities. You have so many ideas and need to roll up your sleeves and get working!
HINT: Financially your desire to help family members might put a dent in your savings and force you to be even more frugal for the next month or two.
You are full of energy and raring to go but someone on the other end has different ideas and could be holding up everything. Rather than get upset, call a meeting and quietly discuss your plans, thoughts and feelings. If this doesn’t work, then take a step back and examine your options. A great deal of thought and energy are focused on your career and now is a good time to gather in your team and work together as a group. Financially you are cutting back on unnecessary spending.
HINT: This weekend is a perfect time for staying home and relaxing with your partner and/or mate.
Thought of travel are on your mind as you are ready to take some time off and simply relax and get away from it all. You could go to a nearby city or town or as far as the other side of the world…both will accomplish exactly what you are looking for.
Change is on the way and you are not only ready but anxious to begin a new chapter in your life. You are ready to take a relationship to the next step and are willing to compromise, if necessary.
HINT: The closest people in your life are family and old, wonderful friend and this is a perfect week for a reunion.
MAY 21-JUNE 21
The time has come for you to sit down and have a serious talk with your partner and/or mate concerning some topics of mutual interest.
Together you make a strong and effective team and the time is ripe for a few changes to be made. Financially your situation is under control but that does not give you the leeway to rush out and buy everything that catches your fancy.
You may have to adjust your schedule in order to take care of a young member of the family who needs to stay home for a day or two.
: when dealing with an earth sign say little and listen carefully.
Although you continue to watch your finances carefully you still are not in a position to spend as freely as you would wish. Financial obligations must be met, but soon you will have the cash you need in order to pamper yourself for a change. You continue to put in long hours but, as you enjoy the work, time passes quickly. Take a little time off on Friday to meet with a close family member who you are particularly close to.
HINT: There is still enough time for you to make arrangements to travel to a nearby city for a day of fun with a good friend in one of your most favorite places.
Be careful with money this week.
You love to pamper those closest to you and buying gifts is not unusual or picking up the tab is a common occurrence, but for now you need to content yourself with a hug and kiss or homemade cake or cookies. The effect will be the same but your bank balance will heave a sigh of relief! A great deal of energy is focused around your home right now and this is a good time for making a few minor changes you have been contemplating.
HINT: Your peak in creative activity is strongest Tuesday through Thursday evening.
Flexible is not high on your list of attributes, but this week if you wish to avoid an unnecessary and rather vocal argument with a family member, try to think and feel what life is like in their shoes. You won’t understand if you continue asking yourself questions and supplying the answers.
Financially all is moving according to plan and an unexpected cash payment will come as a welcome surprise.
A conversation with your partner and/or mate will help you to find a few answers you have been seeking.
HINT: When dealing with a particularly stubborn person, walk away and try again another day.
Life is full of happy surprises and this week is no exception as you work together with your partner and/or mate building a strong and better future together. Those closest to you are particularly thrilled that things are moving as you had hoped, especially after the long dry period you overcame. Financially your situation still needs watching but it is moving forward according to plan, so you can begin to relax. A conversation with a sibling is always a joy so pick up the phone.
HINT: Your focus this week is centered on your home and making a few changes or additions.
You are full of energy right now and are ready to make some important personal changes in your life. Before you do, double check your goals and the path you choose to attain them. Some of the pieces to the puzzle are still missing and you might be happier if you wait a bit until the picture is clear. The time you spend with a Capricorn is proving to be much more interesting and informative than you had originally imagined.
Financially you continue to wonder why it is taking you so long to collect some owed money.
HINT: Don’t waste your weekend worrying about the past. You aren’t there anymore.
It seems that lately a great deal of thought and energy are focused around money and property.
Take your time and know that when you do make your move you will be ready and have all the information you need in order to overcome a few bumpy spots as well as answer some pertinent questions thrown your way. You have worked so very hard toward attaining your goal and one by one you mark each off on your way up the ladder.
HINT: This weekend is a good time for catching up on some much needed rest with your family.
Slowly you are moving forward with your plans and like the proverbial tortoise can be proud of all you have accomplished so far. The end is in sight and the last laugh will be yours. Although you have some unanswered questions, you have grown so much both emotionally and spiritually over the past few months that you don’t have to worry.
You know who you are and what you are capable of. A conversation with an elderly member of your family will warm your heart and bring you both closer.
HINT: Financially things are tight right now but you expected that.