Star Catcher: Astrology for the week of September 29, 2017

TIP FOR THE WEEK:It feels like a heavy weight has been lifted. Time to stand tall and give thanks. May we be written up and inscribed for a healthy, happy new year!

Deep space bright nebula (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Deep space bright nebula
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)
You are ready to enjoy some socializing this week after many days of working long, hard hours.You have definitely gotten your priorities straightened out and can now begin to tick each item off your list, one by one. While sharing some thoughts with your partner or mate, remember to tell this person just how much you appreciate them and all their caring and support over the past months. Financially you continue watching your situation very carefully as slowly you add more money to your savings. HINT: A conversation with a sibling always makes you happy.
You will be meeting many new people as the weeks progress and when in doubt trust your intuition. There will be one or two who speak the words they think you want to hear and smile, but the smile doesn’t reach their eyes. Financially you need to be careful and cut back on some unnecessary spending. Retail therapy is fun until the bills have to be paid. HINT: The middle of this week is perfect for sitting down to some serious work on a project which needs to be completed within the coming weeks. Don’t hesitate to call in help if necessary.
Things are really looking up and after a very long and difficult few months you can honestly say that you may like who you are today but certainly didn’t like the road you had to travel. Today you are more aware of who and what is important in your life and how lucky you are to be surrounded by both family and friends who have withstood the test of time. Financially you are being cautious and things are definitely on the rise. HINT: Time spent alone with your immediate family is just what you all need this weekend.
Finally after weeks and weeks of extremely hard work, you are now able to sit back and appreciate all you have accomplished. Day and night you put your own needs aside in order to reach your goal, and today you can honestly say that it was well worth the effort. Take some time off right now to recharge and catch up on some much-needed sleep. Your family is ready to help with whatever you ask, so don’t hesitate to pick up the phone. HINT: Financially you may have a few more expenses right now but nothing you have to worry about.
Time spent with your partner or mate and your immediate family this week will be pleasant and refreshing after weeks of putting in long hours at work. It is not often you all get together, but when you do a wonderful time is had by all. As much as you love entertaining, give yourself a break and pick up some things to augment your cooking and baking. Financially you are managing well, but not well enough to put some serious money aside as you would like. HINT: This weekend take a step back and catch up on some quiet time.
Things are moving along albeit not nearly as quickly as you had hoped, but you are past the standstill stage. So much has changed over the past few months and now you can take a step back and examine where you were, where you are and where you wish to be in the months to come. You have planned well and should be very proud of yourself. Financially things are much better than they were, so stop worrying. A conversation with another water sign will prove, once again, just how special your relationship is. HINT: Monday and Tuesday are good days for taking care of personal business.
All the pieces are finally in place and now is the time for you to make your move. You are willing to take little steps in order to avoid any major mistakes, but the time for restraint is over. A conversation with an earth sign will help you to see things in a much clearer light, so be patient and listen carefully. Of course, the final decision is yours. Financially you need to speak to the experts and make a few adjustments to your portfolio. HINT: Sunday and Monday are the best days for setting up important meetings, both of a personal as well as a professional nature.
You have so much on your mind, and even though you are more than ready to make a move professionally, things are still not completely under your control. As the weeks progress you will understand more, and that is when you can begin to contemplate your next move. When speaking to an elderly member of your family you will realize, once again, just how happy you are that the connection between you is so very strong. HINT: Financially you wish you had more money at the end of the month, but social events over the past few weeks have definitely put a dent in your bank balance.
MAY 21-JUNE 21
You are juggling far too many projects right now to be able to produce your best work and complete everything on time. Don’t be stubborn… call in your backup team and stop trying to do it alone. A person of authority whom you respect greatly is watching you and will soon approach with an offer you need to consider carefully. Financially you know what you have to do. HINT: You have the feeling that your partner or mate is not as attentive as usual, and rather than get upset, sit down and discuss the situation. You are both simply working too hard.
You have been under a great deal of stress and the past few months have been emotionally difficult. As the weeks progress you will be relieved to note that the pressure is lessening and things are finally moving in the right direction. There is always room for improvement, but for now you are grateful to see happy faces around you once again. Financially things are moving forward, but you need to be rather careful this week in order not to buy things you really don’t need. HINT: Take some time toward the end of the week to meet up with a younger member of your family whom you are especially close to.
Money and financial matters have been a point of concern over the summer months, but now things are moving forward and you are able to cut back on your debt as well as begin to put money aside. A conversation with an earth sign will be much easier than you had anticipated as, for a change, this person is open to ideas and willing to listen to what you have to say. Professionally you continue to work very hard, but the results you achieve make it all worthwhile. HINT: Soon you will have the quiet emotional space needed to work on a project which is personally important to you.
You have said your piece, now back off. There is no point in repeating yourself, especially if you wish people to listen. While waiting, keep busy with things you personally enjoy. There is still enough time for you to begin a project which has been on your mind for some time. You have the funds, the expertise and the time. Financially all is moving according to schedule. HINT: Someone in your family who has greatly disappointed you in the past will come forward and renew your belief and trust in them.