Letters to the Editor: July 17, 2015

The Reform movement created havoc in Europe and the US. Now, the victims are clamoring to enter the ranks of Judaism.

Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Jewish rights
Your article “Glick leads Old City protest against ‘apartheid’ on Temple Mount” (July 15) notes a Supreme Court caveat allowing “police to prevent any form of worship there if they believe such activities will incite a ‘disturbance to the public order.’”
It is interesting that police policy is to apply this only to Jewish worship. However, what is critical to this caveat is that the court did not invalidate or modify an existing law for the protection of holy places (1967), which states in part: “The holy places shall be protected...from anything likely to violate freedom of access of the members of the different religions to the places sacred to them.... Whosoever does anything likely to violate the freedom of access to them... shall be liable to imprisonment for a term of five years.”
The court’s action was an unacceptable usurpation of power not inherent in a democratic government.
I was quite surprised and very upset by your editorial advocating greater rights for the Reform movement (“Freeing Judaism,” July 14).
It seems we never learn.
The Reform movement created havoc in Europe and the US. Now, the victims are clamoring to enter the ranks of Judaism.
The Jewish people is an exclusive club. The entry rules are clear and they are not easy. Relaxing the rules is not the answer. We must be firm in our outlook and our convictions.
I hope you print a retraction of your editorial or, at the very least, present the Orthodox viewpoint in a more favorable manner.
A number of years ago, I heard the most incredible and clever idea that would solve so many issues on so many levels: Turn the Kotel, the Western Wall, into a site for personal prayer only. If you want to pray with a minyan, go to a synagogue.
Take a moment to consider the ramifications. How much grief, strife and distress would be alleviated!
Mevaseret Zion
Tikvot is there
“The forgotten wounded?” (Comment & Features, July 8) by Eliana Marcus Aaron struck a deep chord with those of us at Tikvot, an organization that rehabilitates wounded IDF soldiers and terror victims through sports.
We appear on the scene when the “throngs stop visiting the soldiers [and] the letters stop coming in from school children....”
The time we spend at the Tel Hashomer rehab center bears eloquent testimony to Aaron’s assertion that the “wounded remain wounded.” However, we push them to push themselves though sports such as skiing, surfing, triathlons and other rigorous activities.
Our credo is that sports participation can play a major role in rebuilding self-esteem and confidence, and aid people in coming to terms with their disability with dignity.
For further information on Tikvot’s activities, go to our website at www.tikvot.org.il
Ramat Gan
The writer is a co-founder of Tikvot.
Incorrect terms
I ask that The Jerusalem Post refrain from using the phrases “Palestinian territories” and “occupied territories.” They are inaccurate and legally wrong.
No world organization with the power to make international law ever marked the disputed territories – Judea and Samaria, the West Bank, take your pick – as belonging to “Palestine” or “Palestinians.” Using the word “occupied” seems to indicate that the area is not disputed, and using “Palestinian” seems to indicate that it was not assigned by the League of Nations to be part of a future Jewish state.
When will you stop contributing to the deadly game being played by the US, UN and EU? It’s called “The world cannot continue without a state of Palestine.”