
The latest science news and developments - from space, to physics, chemistry, zoology, astronomy, and earth sciences

New research suggests that exposure to social media can raise the risk of smoking tobacco

Researchers from Boston University Public Health found that frequent social media use increases youth tobacco use risk, urging strict parental supervision and government regulation.

A 99-million-year-old bug that lived in Myanmar discovered by Israeli researchers

Compared to the species already known to science, the new features of the bug include unique colors and shapes that the researchers believe were used as a deterrent against predators.

Sneaker or consort? Squid birth dates determine how they reproduce - study

Spear squid males are either consorts, who compete with males for females, or sneakers, who discreetly fertilize eggs. Which tactic a squid will use is determined by their birth date, a study says.


Technion breakthrough for better drug delivery and tissue implantation

Researchers develop ultrasound for non-invasive method for bio-printing live cells and tissues deep within the body.

What robot makers can learn from an octopus

Researchers show how they were able to create a multi-layer soft structure and an artificial fluidic system to mimic the musculature and mucus structures of biological suckers.

Scientists discover how to breed a better quality fish for gefilte fish just before Passover

Hebrew University study finds selective breeding for disease resistance in fish improves food safety, reduces infection rates, and aids aquaculture.

Watching sports boosts well-being, offering positive psychological and neurophysiological benefits

Research led by Prof. Shintaro Sato reveals watching sports enhances well-being, benefiting society. Neuroimaging shows brain changes, impacting public health policy.

University at Buffalo researchers look into past of the coffee bean to create a high quality genome

Researchers unveil Arabica coffee's ancient origins and genetic secrets, aiding in creating climate-resistant varieties for the future amidst climate change threats.

Israeli, international astronomers detect Milky Way's second-largest known black hole

Gaia BH3 is the largest-known stellar black hole, according to astronomer and study co-author Tsevi Mazeh of the Tel Aviv University in Israel.

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