95% of those who switch their health funds are below age 55

Switching public health funds - especially among ages 25 to 45 - has grown significantly in the last year, largely thanks to the ability to change via the Internet and not only at post offices.
This was disclosed Sunday in a Health Ministry report prepared by its administration for strategic and economic planning.
The ministry noted that switching health funds is lowest over the age of 55, and that 95 percent of the shifting was done by individuals under that age. But it did not explain the reason – that since nursing care policies are provided by private companies affiliated with the public health funds and with members of the same health fund, switching insurers jeopardizes the policies that members have paid for every month for years and decades. The Finance Ministry’s official in charge of insurance and the Health Ministry’s official in charge of the public health funds have not managed since National Health Insurance began in 1995 to separate nursing coverage from the public health funds.