Amos Oz: Right of return means the liquidation of Israel

Amos Oz,  the most translated Israeli novelist, told The New York Times on Monday that the Palestinian right of return is a "euphemism for the liquidation of Israel."
In an interview with the Times's Roger Cohen, Oz said that a two state solution is the only answer. "Reality now compels a compromise — and compromises are unhappy, there is no such thing as a happy compromise,” the author said.
Speaking about the right of return, Oz said that even for one with dovish views, the move is "out of the question. Refugees must be resettled in the future state of Palestine, not Israel.” 
On the recent elections, the Israeli writer unabashedly labeled Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu a "coward," opting instead to muse over the "phenomenon" of Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid.
“It is a legitimate desire even if it tends to ignore fundamental issues, like the conflict with the Arabs. I don’t know if Lapid has ideas and I’m not sure he knows. What Lapid will do is a mystery not just to me — it is probably a mystery to him!" Oz claimed.