Novelist vows to withhold tax for Egypt over Morsi remarks

The Hague - Citing anti-Semitic statements by Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, a Dutch-Jewish novelist has vowed to withhold taxes so they won’t reach Cairo.
Best-selling novelist Leon de Winter made the pledge in a column published on January 12 in De Telgraaf, Holland’s largest-circulation daily. He said he would calculate how much of his tax payment would go to Egypt in the form of aid by the European Union, and withhold that amount. “Offering aid to Egypt is the same as giving billion to support Nazi Germany,” he wrote.
The Middle East Media Research Institute this month released videos filmed in 2010 in which Morsi,  who became president in 2012 as a representative of a party affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, is seen calling Zionists “descendants of apes and pigs” with whom there can be no peace.