On Remembrance Day eve, Israel population passes 7.8m. mark

On the eve of its 64th Independence Day, Israel’s population has surpassed 7.8 million, a growth of 1.8% or an additional 137,000 new citizens since this time last year, according to figures released Tuesday by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).
Published ahead of Yom Hatzmaut (Israeli Independence Day), which begins Wednesday evening, Israel’s Jewish population makes up some 75.3 percent of the total population or 5,931,000 people, while the Arab population has reached 1,623,000 (20.6%) and those not identified with either group making up 4.1% of its citizens or 327,000 people.
Since Independence Day last year, 161,000 babies were born in the State of Israel while some 39,000 people passed away. Close to 19,500 new immigrants arrived in the Jewish country over the past year, while up to 8000 people left the country due to natural migration.
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