PM addresses Jewish leaders in New York

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met with leaders of the Jewish Federations of North America in New York on Tuesday and said that every time he comes to the United Nations his goal it to "present the truth as it is."
He opened his remarks with a "picture I did not show in the UN last night," and presented a picture of an imminent execution. "But this isn't ISIS, this is Hamas."
In the last cycle of fighting, Netanyahu said, Hamas executed dozens of Palestinians "only to instill fear and force the residents of Gaza to surrender." 
The prime minister said that while it was true that there are differences between Hamas and Islamic State, "for example ISIS beheads people and Hamas puts a bullet in the back of their heads," -- for the victims and their families, "the horror is the same."
He said the point he was trying to make at the UN General Assembly and today was that "we are faced with a world-wide network of militant Islamists, groups and regimes."
He expressed his support for the US-led coalition but said that Iran could not be left as a threshold nuclear power, as he said on Sunday. 
While the world must stop and defeat Islamic State, "we have to prevent Iran from getting the capability to produce nuclear weapons."