Plesner: Livni will find a way to stay involved in Kadima

Former opposition leader and Kadima chair Tzipi Livni will find a way to remain involved in the Kadima party "even if not from the Knesset benches," fellow party MK Yohanan Plesner said after news surfaced that Livni was going to tender her resignation from the Knesset Tuesday afternoon.
"I am sorry to hear about [Livni's] rumored resignation," Plesner said in a written statement. "I respect her decision and thank her for her great contributions to the establishment of the Kadima Party."
"Kadima is important to Livni," the Kadima MK opined. "I believe she will find a way to be a part of us even if not from the Knesset benches."
Livni will meet with Knesset speaker Reuven Rivlin Tuesday afternoon at 12:30.
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