Letters 398907

Readers weigh in on past issues of the 'Magazine.'

Envelope (photo credit: ING IMAGE/ASAP)
(photo credit: ING IMAGE/ASAP)
Marvelously written
I want to thank you for “Stronger together” (Cover, April 17). It was a very important article, movingly written.
It appealed to the heart of the readers and gave us a better understanding of the trauma these bereaved families go through on a daily basis.
Sarah Levin is a marvelous writer and photographer. She makes every word go directly into the reader’s heart.
You could not have found a more sensitive journalist to be part of the journey and introduce us to all the problems. It made me understand how huge the issue is. I am sure many other readers feel the same way.
We need more articles like this to help us understand our country better. Hopefully, they will be written by such a warm writer and photographer.
“Stronger together” was a very good piece. Very informative and moving. Thank you very much.
Keep that up, please!
Only in Israel!
Cheers for Barbara Sofer’s “The 67-plus-one new reasons I love Israel” (Opinion, April 17). As usual, it was spot on! Let me add one reason of my own – my grandson’s recent Givati Brigade beret ceremony.
Thousands of proud family members gathered to cheer their soldiers. While the uniforms lent a sameness to those on the field, every sector of the population, haredi to secular, old-timers and new olim, Druse, Arabs, Beduin, Ethiopians, Russian-speakers, Ashkenazim, Sephardim and Yemenites seemed to be represented in the family groups watching.
Although the event was delayed because the officers had to return from a Givati funeral, the holiday spirit prevailed among the multi-generational families that included great-grandparents and toddlers.
The young soldiers introduced their officers, the much-admired young men hardly older than their charges, and posed for photos with their families.
And, of course, there was food! After all, this is Israel. Each family brought its soldier’s favorite cakes and home-made delicacies for a post-ceremony picnic.
In my wildest fantasies, I, a native- born American, could not imagine such an event in the US Army. Only in Israel!
Petah Tikva
One of the reasons I love Israel is that on Shabbat afternoon, I can sit on my balcony overlooking Mount Meron and read Barbara Sofer’s “The 67-plus-one new reasons I love Israel.”
Rethink ‘Homes’ feature
I wish to thank you for a wonderful issue on April 17. There were very meaningful and informative articles, with valuable content.
I also want to emphasize the point of reader Linda Silverstone in the same issue (“Can’t see the merit,” Letters) – that the April 9 Homes section was quite out of place. Six pages! I am not quite sure why that feature is in the magazine on a regular basis – aren’t there special supplements The Jerusalem Post sends out that would be fitting for these features? If this feature keeps its place in the magazine, a page or two should be the maximum for the publication that has so much to tell us and teach.
No mention at all
I cannot believe that Dan Illouz, in a full-page column headlined “Israel’s new government: Facing challenge” (A Fresh Perspective, April 9) failed to mention – even in passing – the Palestinians.
Write to: maglet@jpost.com Only a selection of letters can be published. Priority goes to those that are brief and topical. Letters may be edited, and must bear the name and address of the writer.