Nikki Haley: Russian veto is a ‘no’ to resolving the conflict in Syria

The US mission to the UN, which presides over the Council this month, pointed out that even China decided not to block the measure this time.

US tells Russia "you are isolating yourselves" by backing Assad (credit: REUTERS)
NEW YORK - By casting a veto on a UN Security Council resolution condemning the Syrian regime’s use of chemical weapons, Russia said ‘no’ to resolving the conflict in the country, US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Wednesday evening.
The draft resolution, aimed at condemning the April 4th chemical weapons attack in Syria and calling on the Syrian regime to cooperate with an independent international investigation, would have passed if not for Russia’s veto.
The US mission to the UN, which presides over the Council this month, pointed out that even China, which has typically voted with Russia on similar resolutions, decided not to block the measure this time.
“Today’s vote could have been a turning point,” Haley said. “Once more, this vote could have been the moment when Russia saw that its interests do not lie with a murderous dictator, but rather with the many countries in the international community, including those across the Middle East, that want to end this conflict. “
The Ambassador added that by the resolution’s failure, Russia will continue to be isolated from the international community.
“With its veto, Russia said no to accountability. Russia said no to cooperation with the UN’s independent investigation,” Haley said. “And Russia said no to a resolution that would have helped promote peace in Syria.”