'IDF soldiers jailed over settlement protest'

Four Golani soldiers sentenced after wearing shirts reading, "Golani fights enemies, [it doesn't] expel Jews" at public ceremony.

outposts 224 (photo credit: Channel 1 [file])
outposts 224
(photo credit: Channel 1 [file])
Four IDF soldiers from the Golani Brigade were sentenced to military prison Friday after they staged a protest over the removal of West Bank outposts Thursday.
Following a ceremony in which the soldiers received their brigade's beret, signifying the end of their training, a number of soldiers removed their uniform shirts to reveal t-shirts they had printed. The shirts read: "Golani fights enemies, [it doesn't] expel Jews." Photographs of the soldiers wearing the custom shirts were distributed to the media, although without their knowledge, Army Radio reported.
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Four of the soldiers were tried on Friday. Two were sentenced to 20 days in prison, another soldier to 18 days, and the fourth to 30 days imprisonment, according to Army Radio.
The IDF Spokesperson said it was preparing a statement on the matter but could not confirm the details.