Haredi minister says gov't should consider extending its term past four-year limit

Housing Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf (United Torah Judaism) said in a Sunday interview with Walla that the government should consider extending its term past the date its set to end in 2026 if the war in Gaza is still ongoing at that point.

"If this thing is possible from a legal standpoint, there's room to consider it. For how long will we extend our term? Until we know that, we can all go to elections," said Goldknopf.

The minister rejected calls for elections in the near future, saying, "We need the government because otherwise, we could not continue to fight in Gaza. We need to decide every day on matters of health, economy, and welfare, and elections will not bring a solution."

Goldknopf claimed as well that elections would disrupt efforts to free the hostages being held by Hamas.