Who will call the shots: America, Israel or Iran?

Israel must independently decide how to act in terms of Iran. Time is of the essence.

Earl Cox 311 (photo credit: Courtesy)
Earl Cox 311
(photo credit: Courtesy)
It is not likely that a person living in America could ever understand what it is to live in Israel. The stress engraved on the faces of most all Israel, young and old alike, is the result of living in an environment that can be likened to a yo-yo—peaceful one day and in turmoil the next.
Everyday hope for peace is shattered with uncertainly of survival   Not only is Israel completely surrounded with hostile neighbors bent on destroying her but Israel has to contend daily with terrorist within her own borders.
Radical Islamic terrorism is constantly skimming to unleash violence at virtually every hour of the day. Despite having to appease world leaders who have established rules of conduct for Israel inconsistent with almost all other nations on the face of the earth, little Israel consistently outperforms even the super power nations in technology, economic growth and military superiority. Since becoming a nation in 1948 Israel has never enjoyed favorable status with other nations and it does not appear on the radar screen that much will change in the near future.  In fact, hate for Israel and her people is rapidly increasing throughout most of the Middle East. Radical countries like Iran pose a constant threat to Israel’s security. It has come to the point whereby Israel can no longer depend on her chief ally to come to her aid and therefore it is essential that Israel now take the bull by the horns in defense of her people.
The threat by Iran to wipe Israel off the face of the earth cannot to be ignored. If necessary, Israel must be prepared to go it alone. She must not sit back and wait for America to act. While most of the US Congress stands with Israel, President Obama has not been very supportive. The Obama Administration has encouraged, aided and facilitated the destabilization of the Middle East as evidenced by its use of either diplomatic or military assets in Libya, Yemen, Tunisia, Egypt and Syria.  The longstanding tradition of the US being Israel’s closest ally is arguably being dismantled by politics detrimental to Israel.
If President Obama is reelected in November his pro-Muslim, anti-Israel positions will likely tie Israel’s hands from defending herself against attacks by Iran. Israel must move expeditiously.
Time is of the essence.