Star Catcher: Astrology for the week of August 16, 2013

TIP for the week: Highly perceptive, you absorb the energy surrounding you this week and may find it difficult to turn off other people’s thoughts and feelings.

Star galaxy nebula colourful 370 (photo credit: UCLA/JPL-Caltech/NASA/Reuters)
Star galaxy nebula colourful 370
(photo credit: UCLA/JPL-Caltech/NASA/Reuters)
High energy will dominate your week and this is the perfect time for getting things done. Clear out that closet, take care of paperwork, and put the final touches on a project which is near to your heart. You have so much to offer and finally this week you have enough space and free time to make a difference. Don’t forget to catch up on some much needed rest between meetings and social functions.
HINT: You are always ready to reach out and lend a helping hand, but for the time being take care of yourself and your own needs. It’s time you put your name at the top of the list.
For months you have been organizing your thoughts and planning your future. The time has come for you to put some of your plans into action. You still don’t have all the answers but you do know what questions to ask. When dealing with a fire sign, pay attention and listen carefully—you won’t be sorry. Although your financial situation is slowly improving, you still remain far from your goals.
HINT: Don’t let momentary lapses into self-doubt hold you back. You are in a much better place than you were and are much wiser too.
Thoughts turn to the past as you review your successes and failures. Rather than let the mistakes you made keep you from attaining your goals, learn from them and realize that you are smarter, stronger and ready. Money and financial matters are never far from your mind as you prefer going without today so that you won’t have to tomorrow. A conversation with a water sign may not progress as you had anticipated as you always forget just how sensitive this person is.
HINT: Do something special for yourself over the weekend.
When dealing with another water sign let your intuition guide you and you won’t err. This is the time for building trust and strengthening relationships. Professionally, things are finally moving in the right direction and even though progress is much slower than you would have liked the fact is that there is progress and you can be pleased with all you have accomplished so far.
HINT: Someone you trusted may let you down and it will be up to you to decide whether the relationship is worth saving.
Although you are still disappointed in a colleague, the time is not yet right for ending the connection.
Together you have accomplished a great deal and once you come to terms with the fact that this person is doing his best, it will be easier to forgive him his short-comings. Pay close attention to money and finances and when in doubt wait. By moving a little slower, you will have the opportunity to get a much broader over-view and will make fewer mistakes along the way.
HINT: Time spent at home with your family is just what you need to recharge your batteries and regain your strength.
You continue working long, hard hours, and the time has come for you to not only take a step back, but to make arrangements for some serious time off. You need the break and those closest to you have been waiting for you come up for air.
Nothing will happen if you are away from your desk for a short time, and besides, you can’t miss a place if you are always there. Time spent with a sibling will help you see things in a new and brighter light as you share ideas and brainstorm.
HINT: Tuesday and Wednesday of this week are the best days for socializing.
Don’t let your exhaustion cloud your vision. You know what you want and you basically know how to attain your goals. All that is missing is a time reference and that will become obvious as the days and weeks progress. Forcing the issue will only cause frustration and doubt, so go with the flow and trust yourself. The middle portion of this week is perfect for getting some important work done.
HINT: You are an important member of the team and both co-workers and employers are aware of your contribution.
This week put your own needs ahead of your family’s, and, if possible, take some time to sit near a body of water. The peace and tranquility of the ebb and flow of the water will rejuvenate you and help you get a much better perspective of what needs to be done and how to attain your goal. Financially you have made great progress and soon will have the money to begin putting a little aside for a major trip.
HINT: Elderly members of your family may not always understand you but their love is unconditional which makes it easier to forgive them.
You sometimes have the feeling that you are preaching to the choir and other times are certain that you are speaking a foreign language which no one understands.
The truth lies somewhere in the middle. Your ideas are sound and all you need to do is figure out how to express them so that even the least informed in the group will comprehend what you are saying.
HINT: Saving money has not been easy this past year and now is the time to make a few changes in your daily life which will have a major impact on your finances.
No matter where you go this week you will feel most comfortable in your own home, surrounded by the people and things which mean the most to you. You have so many ideas and plans and this is a perfect time for all forms of communication. Even if the discussion becomes a little more heated than you had expected, don’t take it personally.
HINT: The middle portion of this week is perfect for getting a lot of important work done together with your partner and/or mate. Your powers of concentration are high and you have the patience to deal with minor, somewhat trivial, facts.
Pay close attention to your financial situation and wherever possible refrain from making any unnecessary, expensive purchases. Later in the month you will have more information and cash in reserve, and that is the time for spending. Your relationship with a family member needs working on, but for the time being you will be better off just leaving things as they are. In the weeks to come the lines of communication between you will be stronger and more forgiving.
HINT: Although you really don’t have the patience to deal with minor details, you don’t really have a choice this week.
The burst of energy you feel this week is just what you need to carry you along to the last page of a project which has been hanging over your head for far too long. Once it is completed take some time off to relax and enjoy yourself. Always ready to change your plans in order to accommodate a family member, this week you may find it annoying and resent the last minute request for help. Sometimes it is perfectly all right to simply say ‘no’.
HINT: Money and financial matters are not what you had hoped for, but they are much better than you feared, so relax.